Winter Activities in the Backyard

Now that the holidays have passed and these winter months seem to be dragging on like the last hour of work or school, it is not uncommon for everyone to get a little bit of cabin fever. Although the warm spring days filled with cool breezes, fresh grass, and chirping birds are right around the corner, there are still a few snowy days ahead of us. However, this does not mean that you must remain isolated in your home. After all, family board game night isn't quite as fun after the fifth night in a row. 

The next time everyone is cooped up on a Saturday afternoon instead of pulling out the electronics, dust off those snow clothes and get outside. Even though the sun shies away from more from October to March, you can still get a nice dose of Vitamin D when you get out in the fresh air. In fact, time outdoors has been shown to increase energy levels. Now, we don’t know if that's because of a little extra vitamin D exposure or increased oxygen levels, but we will take it! 

If the above reasons have not convinced you to bring your family time outside this winter, then maybe a few suggested activities will:


Take building a snowman to a whole new level by having a race!

Get the whole family involved in making their own snowman and in the end deciding which is the most creative, scariest, and funniest (or whatever else you can think of). Not only will this create the opportunity for bonding and laughs, but it will also foster creativity for the kids - and who knows - maybe even you! 

Tag is not reserved for the warm months. 

Give snow tag a try, but add a twist on it - whoever is “It” can only step in the footprints of others. This is a guaranteed way to challenge each other in tag and maybe get stealthy in the snow. 

A winter wonderland treasure hunt. 

Turn your backyard into a hidden treasure adventure. Draw a treasure map of your yard and hide treats or toys in the snow for the kids to find. This is sure to have everyone thinking outside of the box! 

Squirrel in snow

The snow is your canvas! 

Try making art in the snow. Fill up squeeze or squirt bottles with colored water and get to painting! 

Feed your backyard

Go around with the family and decorate the trees and bushes with treats for the birds and squirrels. You can even begin this activity indoors by creating your own bird feeders with pinecones, peanut butter, seeds, and fruit. 

Stepping outside for some fun will not only help the cold days to be more enjoyable, but you and your family will probably feel a little better too. From getting a little bit of exercise, fresh air, and hopefully vitamin D, it is the perfect combination for fun family time.