Winter Home Maintenance Tips

Snowy trees

Living in Northeast Ohio usually means long, cold and brutal winters. If you are a seasoned veteran, you are probably well versed in winter preparedness. From stockpiling ice melt, checking shovels, cleaning gutters, and checking furnaces, these are just a few of the items on a check list that many of us grew up with. However, even the most experienced winter storm warriors forget or miss a thing from time to time. So what are the best ways to keep your home prepared and maintained during the colder months? Maybe, start with creating your very own winter home maintenance checklist.

Check those gutters! 

Snowy house

As it was mentioned before, make sure to check and clean your gutters regularly. While a deep cleaning is helpful in the fall, you never know what might be lingering up there in the following weeks - especially if the weather has warmed up again or if there have been windy days. By keeping your gutters clean and clear, it is easier to avoid water and ice damage that may cause issues for your foundation, driveway, and walkways. 

Sump Pump Test

Testing your sump pump is an easy task that can save you both time and money. The main job of your pump is to keep your basement dry, so if it is not working properly you can end up with a wet basement (even in the winter). If this happens during the winter, the flood gates can open for issues in multiple areas of your house. To make sure everything is working as it should, simply pour a few gallons of water into the pit, and as long as everything is fine the pump should turn on. 

Keep an eye on Ice Dams

When the weather gets cold enough, ice dams can build up on your roof. These can be particularly troublesome when they start to melt and cause water to seep through the roof and eventually your ceilings and walls. This can be avoided by installing heating chords on your roof (when it is warm enough and safe to be on the roof) or by using a rake or shovel to break up the ice. 

Just Be Prepared

Snowy lake house

It is easy to get caught up in the comforts of home, but storms and outages do happen. If there is a power outage or a storm that is bad enough to keep everyone indoors, you will be thankful for having an emergency plan. Investing in a backup generator and non perishable items can help to keep your family safe even in the coldest weather. 

By taking a few simple steps, you can help to ensure the safety of your family and your home! Not only will this give you peace of mind during a bad storm, but it may also cause less trouble when the spring rolls around. If you find yourself in a snowy situation with uneven concrete in your basement or driveway from the winter, give us a call at 330.810.2422 for a free estimate. We would be happy to help you get your home in good shape again!